February 6, 2024

How HelloSelf works - a 7 point guide

In recent weeks we’ve been releasing blogs about what therapy really looks like. We’ve been doing this as we know that there is still some way to go in improving the general perception of what therapy is: less lying on couches, more learning day-to-day skills.

The quicker we raise this collective understanding, the quicker people can realise if therapy might be a good option for them and, therefore, the quicker people can see their mental health improve.

With this in mind, we thought we’d go one further and explain exactly how HelloSelf works. As previously mentioned, therapeutic approaches can be very different (see some examples here, here and here), as can each therapist’s individual approach. For that reason, we won’t discuss what happens within sessions in this blog.

We will, however, fill you in on everything else. The following 7 points demonstrate how having therapy with HelloSelf works. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

1 - Getting in touch

The first step is to get in touch with us via the contact form, which can be found here. One of our team will then arrange a call to discuss what you’re currently experiencing and what you’re looking to get out of therapy.

If you’re just looking for more information, that’s fine too. We don’t have any sales people so we’re not going to try and convince you to sign up over the phone, it’s always completely your choice.

2 - We match you to a therapist suited to your needs

Based on what you’ve told us, we’ll match you to a therapist suited to your needs. We’ll propose a weekly session time and as long as it works for you, we’ll book you in for your first session.

3 - Set up your account

We send you a link to create your HelloSelf account and log in to your personalised dashboard. From here you can view and attend your upcoming sessions, receive messages/resources from your therapist and measure your progress over time with four interactive ‘Trackers’.

If you’d prefer to use your phone, our new app gives you the exact same functionality in your pocket.

4 - The tech test

Before your first session you’ll be invited to complete a quick tech test so you can be sure everything is working as it should be. This only takes a couple of minutes and is done via your dashboard.

5 - Your first session

Your therapy begins! During your session you can highlight key moments and leave yourself notes for later. You can also watch the session back, but if you’d prefer it to not be recorded, it doesn’t have to be. Your therapist will ask you if you’d like to record before each of your sessions.

6 - Watching back

If you did choose to record your session you can watch it back at any time. You’re also able to receive insight into the language you used throughout the session.

7 - Ending therapy

When you and your therapist decide that you don’t need any further sessions for the time being, we’ll handle everything. You’ll still have access to your account so you can continue to track how you’re feeling, and if you decide you need a booster session, all you need to do is let us know.

That’s it, from start to finish. We hope that this has clarified exactly what therapy with HelloSelf looks like. If you think we might be a good fit for you, or you’d like to know more, contact us at hello@helloself.com.

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